Wednesday, June 07, 2006

World Cup Excuses Already in Play

Well the World Cup starts tomorrow, and I can't wait! Although Ireland aren't competing due to having a crap manager! I'll be watching as many games as possible and I will be particulalry interested to see how Steven Gerrard, Peter Crouch and Jaime Carragher get on with England.

With their first game only 2 days away; the excuses have already started from the England camp, with Paul Robinson complaining that the World Cup Ball is unpredictable due to it's lightness.

Ever since Euro '96 in England, every international tournament some goalkeeper has complained about the match balls, how they swerve in the air and how they are too light, and really it's a bit of joke. There is not much difference between the normal balls they use in the domestic leagues, so why the sudden complaints.

I can guarantee it is to fend of criticism from goalkeeping errors and it's amazing how no-one is ever called them on this. Imagine if Michel Owen came out before a World Cup and started saying how the ball is crazy and he might not be able to score due to not judging the flight of it, he would laughed out of that press conference.

In my opinion, goalies already have it easy as they aren't under much pressure compared to outfield players. While it is true a goalkeeping error generally ends up in a goal, in any other situation like a penalty or a one-on-one with the attacker its the attacker who is under pressure to score, and if the goalie saves it, heis a hero.

So all you goalkeepers out there, stop making excuses and just get on with it....

Check out the original story on

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