Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Why Chris Moyles is Funny

Chris Moyles, the BBC DJ from the Chris Moyles Show has been recently accused of being a racist and a homophobe, I competely disagree and think he is hilarious. Here are some of his funniest moments:

  • Called Victoria Beckham a "whore" on air.
  • Said Nicola Roberts from Gilrs Aloud had "a face like a slapped arse".
  • Asked in a newspaper intervies: "Which woman is going to argue that Jodie Marsh isn't a fucking slapper?"
  • Explaining why he didn't get married to his girlfriend, he announced: "I don't go to strip clubs anymore. What more commitment does a woman need?"
  • When meeting Halle Berry last month he greeted her by saying: "Put your hands in the air! I'm a fat black American guy. A big fat black guy."
  • Later when Halle Berry accused of having a "racist" moment he said the actor should "just get over yourself"
  • Annoyed the RSPCA by claiming that he'd "much rather watch a bit of seal clubbing than Aled dancing in a nightclub dressed in Lycra trousers."
  • When he arrived at the station, John Peel took immediately against him and accused him of being a "DLT-in-waiting". Moyles retorted that Peel was a "Kenny Everett-in-waiting, because Kenny Everett’s dead and it’s only a matter of time before John pops his clogs"
  • He threatened Dr Fox of Capital FM in October 2002 that 'I'm gonna tear his head off and poo down his neck',
  • In early 2002 saying he would take the virginity of Charlotte Church, when she reached sixteen.
You can check out Chris Moyles' website here and you can find his podcast with the best bits from the show on iTunes.

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