Thursday, November 23, 2006

Volkswagen Touareg successfully tows a Boeing 747 (with pictures)

A Volkswagen Touareg V10 TDI has succeeded in towing a Boeing 747-200 weighing approximately 155 tonnes. Watched by engineers, Volkswagen personnel and bemused passers-by, the Touareg V10 TDI completed seven complete runs on the auxiliary runway at Dunsfold Aerodrome, 40 miles south west of London.

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Monday, November 20, 2006

Greystones Beach on eBay for Free!!

Want to own a part of Greystones beach? Well now you can! Check out this eBay auction with details on how to get your own prime development "land" and make a huge profit!!

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Greystones Beach on eBay for Free!!

Want to own a part of Greystones beach? Well now you can! Check out this eBay auction with details on how to get your own prime development "land" and make a huge profit!!

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Thursday, October 12, 2006

NFL PRO emails JOHN MADDEN, Reason? His Low Player Rating in Game.

This is hilarious, fair play to Ethan Albright - not as arrogant as I thought he would be.

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Wii Takes #1 on PC World's Top 10 Christmas Gifts

First Wii topped Circuit City's gift list, then made the Toys 'R Us "Hot 15", and now PC World is on board. Throw in positive coverage from mainstream publications such as CNN and the New York Times, and it's clear Nintendo is starting to see success in their campaign to bring console gaming to the mainstream for massive damage.

Thnaks god I got my preorder in - 2months to December 8th!!

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Friday, October 06, 2006

Star Wars THX Animation

This is a THX animation that was created by Pixar. You have to check this out.

-You have to love Pixar and this is just amazing!

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Who will lobby for our right to copy?

In the US you have "fair use" in the UK we don't. Ripping a CD to your HDD is illegal under section 16 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, which prohibits any copying in relation to "a literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work", including storing it by "electronic means".

-it's unfortunately the same in ireland, something has to be done.

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Apple iOne - Fake or Real?

Found this on O'Grady's PowerPage from Real or fake, your guess is as good as mine!

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Thursday, June 08, 2006

New! Mario Kart Source

Wow, I absolutely can't wait for this. If GoldenEye Source is anything to go by, this will look sweet. Hopefully it'll be out before the Wii arrives so I can get back into this amazing game and be ready to hand out some online schooling!!

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World Cup Betting Tips

I put a few bets on the World Cup the other day, I thought I might pass them on. So here they are:

Winner/Top Scorer
Holland/Van Nist(40/1)

England's last game to be against Brazil - 8/1

England to score most goals - 7/1

World Cup to be won on shootout - 5/1

Australia, first team to have a player sent off - 33/1

Ronaldinho - Player of the Tournament - 4/1
Gerrard - Player of the Tournamen - 18/1

Should keep it interesting. Also if you sign up to and if you put a €45 bet on the outright winner, they will send you a free World Cup jersey of your choice. Nice! Think I'm going to wait until they do the offer for the Premiership and get Liverpool's new jersey...

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

World Cup Excuses Already in Play

Well the World Cup starts tomorrow, and I can't wait! Although Ireland aren't competing due to having a crap manager! I'll be watching as many games as possible and I will be particulalry interested to see how Steven Gerrard, Peter Crouch and Jaime Carragher get on with England.

With their first game only 2 days away; the excuses have already started from the England camp, with Paul Robinson complaining that the World Cup Ball is unpredictable due to it's lightness.

Ever since Euro '96 in England, every international tournament some goalkeeper has complained about the match balls, how they swerve in the air and how they are too light, and really it's a bit of joke. There is not much difference between the normal balls they use in the domestic leagues, so why the sudden complaints.

I can guarantee it is to fend of criticism from goalkeeping errors and it's amazing how no-one is ever called them on this. Imagine if Michel Owen came out before a World Cup and started saying how the ball is crazy and he might not be able to score due to not judging the flight of it, he would laughed out of that press conference.

In my opinion, goalies already have it easy as they aren't under much pressure compared to outfield players. While it is true a goalkeeping error generally ends up in a goal, in any other situation like a penalty or a one-on-one with the attacker its the attacker who is under pressure to score, and if the goalie saves it, heis a hero.

So all you goalkeepers out there, stop making excuses and just get on with it....

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Why Chris Moyles is Funny

Chris Moyles, the BBC DJ from the Chris Moyles Show has been recently accused of being a racist and a homophobe, I competely disagree and think he is hilarious. Here are some of his funniest moments:

  • Called Victoria Beckham a "whore" on air.
  • Said Nicola Roberts from Gilrs Aloud had "a face like a slapped arse".
  • Asked in a newspaper intervies: "Which woman is going to argue that Jodie Marsh isn't a fucking slapper?"
  • Explaining why he didn't get married to his girlfriend, he announced: "I don't go to strip clubs anymore. What more commitment does a woman need?"
  • When meeting Halle Berry last month he greeted her by saying: "Put your hands in the air! I'm a fat black American guy. A big fat black guy."
  • Later when Halle Berry accused of having a "racist" moment he said the actor should "just get over yourself"
  • Annoyed the RSPCA by claiming that he'd "much rather watch a bit of seal clubbing than Aled dancing in a nightclub dressed in Lycra trousers."
  • When he arrived at the station, John Peel took immediately against him and accused him of being a "DLT-in-waiting". Moyles retorted that Peel was a "Kenny Everett-in-waiting, because Kenny Everett’s dead and it’s only a matter of time before John pops his clogs"
  • He threatened Dr Fox of Capital FM in October 2002 that 'I'm gonna tear his head off and poo down his neck',
  • In early 2002 saying he would take the virginity of Charlotte Church, when she reached sixteen.
You can check out Chris Moyles' website here and you can find his podcast with the best bits from the show on iTunes.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Is Apple Watching My eBay Auction?

I recently decided to sell my Apple PowerBook, so I could afford to upgrade to a new MacBook. Having bought and sold from eBay before I decided that this was the easiest way to go for selling it. After a couple of days tracking my auction I decided I wanted to see who's looking at my PowerBook and see if I could deduce who was watching it, so I installed some run-of the-mill stats code from

After two days of traffic I checked my report today only to find that my auction had been viewed by someone at Apple Computers on the East Coast. Now I wonder, first off, whether this is actually Apple and if so do they normally view on-line auctions for their systems. If it is Apple, it would be very intersting to see if this the norm, and if it actually can tell anyone anything. Also do they take things like this into account when getting their ownership figures, or is this just purely based on sales.

Is it more likely that this is a customer in an Apple Store just seeing what was available for cheaper - presumably a drawback to having free internet access in the store!!

Anyway I wonder has anyone else ever experienced this? Well, I found it odd anyway!!