Monday, March 24, 2008

The economics of a potential iTunes subscription model

According to rumors this week Apple is currently negotiating with the major labels to offer a subscription service through iTunes. From the numbers here it seems it would make a great idea for fans, Apple and the labels.

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New Macintosh documentary to make Apr. 6 debut

The feature-length movie takes viewers from the Apple I days straight through the modern era — a history of Apple’s impact on modern culture, with a specific emphasis on the lifestyle of Mac users. The documentary includes interviews including Andy Hertzfeld, co-creator of the first Mac and Guy Kawasaki among others.

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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Sci-Fi Writer Arthur C. Clarke Dies

The science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke, who wrote more than 100 books including 2001: A Space Odyssey, has died in Sri Lanka at the age of 90, according to an aide. RIP.

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